I've Been Tagged!
By Mol. Yes. So in the spirit of all things blogilicious, here are 7 random things about myself.
1. I am, regretfully, not related to Melissa Gilbert.
2. I once played Mrs. Claus in a school play but lost the role of the Statue of Liberty to Heather Friedrich and never forgave her for it.
3. I have every issue of the New Yorker since 1995 in my apartment.
4. Fish create real, irrational fear in me, kind of like snakes do to Indiana Jones.
5. I hate going downtown near Ground Zero and every time I do I feel that sick, acrid air and begin to cry from grief and disbelief.
6. I read three personalized horoscopes for myself every day.
7. If I could die and come back as someone else, I'd be a wide receiver in the NFL or Aretha Franklin.
There you have it. And Lillet, Katie, Tiny/Shiny, Saint Peg, Spillah, Baldur, and Alice, consider yourself tagged.
1. I am, regretfully, not related to Melissa Gilbert.
2. I once played Mrs. Claus in a school play but lost the role of the Statue of Liberty to Heather Friedrich and never forgave her for it.
3. I have every issue of the New Yorker since 1995 in my apartment.
4. Fish create real, irrational fear in me, kind of like snakes do to Indiana Jones.
5. I hate going downtown near Ground Zero and every time I do I feel that sick, acrid air and begin to cry from grief and disbelief.
6. I read three personalized horoscopes for myself every day.
7. If I could die and come back as someone else, I'd be a wide receiver in the NFL or Aretha Franklin.
There you have it. And Lillet, Katie, Tiny/Shiny, Saint Peg, Spillah, Baldur, and Alice, consider yourself tagged.
f'n awesome, dude. rock on in the randomness of it all.
molly, at 3:19 AM
Mega! You sweetheart. You tagged me! And Spillah returns, if only to give you seven things...
Did I tell you about bibliophilistines and woodenhouse?
spillah, at 9:09 PM
I mean:
Which explain my absence. Sorta.
L, Spill
PS Let's get Hoegaartens on a Sunday afternoon at West soon.
spillah, at 5:20 PM
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