It's Been a Month and This is All I Can Muster

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?

Nick Cave... dark and creepy. You're a bi-polar genius, with equal passion for the most degrading aspects of humanity, as well as the beauty & wonder of God and Heaven.
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how on earth did I end up as:
Joe Strummer... you've been through the cleansing fire of punk, only to pick up a few venerial diseases along the way. You're more of an optimist when it comes to fucked-up genius. But you can write wicked-deadly riffs and lyrics.
I'm so much more Robert Smith or Gordon Gano...
Claire Deveron, at 1:36 PM
Oh Claire, you devil...more like the cleansing fire of Peeroy Street.
mega74, at 1:57 PM
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